Sunday, July 27, 2008

Honeydew Melon Gelato

I finally gave in and purchased a new ice cream maker! For my first attempt, I went for a honeydew melon gelato recipe. Actually, I couldn't find a recipe, so I mashed together a bunch of different recipes I found online and came up with something pretty interesting. The star of my gelato was, of course, fresh honeydew melons.
Honeydew Melons
I chopped them up and put them in the food processor until creamy. I added a quick squeeze of a fresh lemon as well.
Honeydew Melons
I then worked on the base, which included 4 egg yolks, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups milk, and 1 cup cream.
Making the base
After heating the mixture, then pouring it through a sieve, it was a bit hot. I chilled the mix for a few hours, then let my new machine do the work.
In the Ice Cream Maker
When it was done thickening up, it seemed a bit runny, so I put the mix in the freezer for a few hours.
Honeydew Melon Gelato
The overall outcome was pretty nice. I do think the recipe could use a little fine tuning, but I'm pretty happy with my first attempt!
Honeydew Melon Gelato


myteemingee said...

that looks yummylicious! i can't imagine it not tasting right. looks soo good!

Daniel Yuhas said...

thanks for sharing this! I'm going to try it with a cantaloupe I got from my farm-share!