Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wedding Craft #12: Silhouette Woodblock

Our wedding, our little table
Sure, it's super tiny detail - but those tiny details add up! At least I think they did at our wedding. Since I was already creating a screen for the guestbook quilt banner, I decided to get the most out of my screen, and add a large silhouette too.
Screen for silhouette woodblock
At first, I really had no idea what I was going to do. A trip to the craft store fixed that. I found these really cool slices of wood, which I then decided to screen print.
I'll admit it, I messed it up the first time. The ink got into the tiny sliver of negative space between our silhouettes the first time around. So, what did I do? I covered it with the same fabric I used for our favor tops, wedding quilt, and wedding quilt banner.
Back of silhouette woodblock
I paired it with a small gold stand I found for $2 and the whole craft cost around $6. Not bad, right? We still have it displayed in our bookshelf too!

Up next: Wedding Craft #13: Library Books & Card Catalog Escort Cards

**Picture of Brian and I by Our Labor of Love

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