Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Tree

Putting together our first Christmas tree was a lot of fun - and a lot of work too.
Our Christmas Tree
When we started, we only had only 10 ornaments, but the ornaments we had were pretty awesome. We were given a set of Old World Christmas ornaments from Brian's aunt Linda and uncle Ronnie for our wedding, so we decided to continue with that theme. We ended up spending about $200 more on ornaments - yeah. $200.
Christmas tree
Seriously, though, a saxaphone and a white kitten in a basket! I had to!
Brian made our lovely popcorn garland and some friends gave me the wonderful red bows, after I gave them a pie making lesson (another post.. coming soon...).
Christmas tree
We got our star, our old school holiday lights, and a few other choice holiday items from Stats.
Christmas tree
All in all, I love our tree. Sure, the initial investment in our ornaments and holiday decor set us back a few hundred, but I'm glad we got some classy ornaments that we can keep forever.


Esther said...

Wow, the tree is very beautiful. :3 It's so cute.

dailycraft said...

Thanks, Esther! :)

Sue said...

I think your tree looks beautiful!

Kratik said...

Absolutely brilliant.
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Cheers :)