So, the night started with Brian making me a nostalgic dinner, one he made for me 2 years ago today, when he proposed.

It was awesome. So many good memories! Brian agreed to let me make the dessert and I knew I wanted to make my guy something really special, cause I've got to admit, he's pretty awesome. I wanted to stay true to the dessert he made me that night, chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream and strawberries, but I wanted to amp it up. So, first I made one of our current favorites, a low calorie banana ice cream I've been making a lot lately. I paired the ice cream with a low fat brownie mix, except I added a little coffee to it too. Then, it came time to layer and freeze.

To layer, I just lined a bowl with some saran wrap, then layered brownie, ice cream a couple of times, until the bowl was full. I froze the layers until they were set, then prepared my meringue. I didn't really measure the meringue, but just used the typical few egg whites, a little cream of tartar and about 1/2 cup sugar - then came the fun part.

Piping! Now, I probably could have got my peaks a little stiffer, but I was so excited to get this guy into the oven!

And that's all it took! I paired the Baked Alaska with a few chocolate covered strawberries and we were instantly in heaven.

To celebrate today, Brian and I are taking a couple's pasta making class! It sure is a good weekend for our hearts and our bellies. Yum, yum, yum.
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! xoxo!
Mmm... Both the meal and cake look yummy!!!!
I made cheese cake today for my husband. I originally planed to eat it on Valentine's day, however we already ate a half of it :P
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!
Mmmmm, cheesecake! Enjoy that second half today :)
I have never had baked alaska before! I now really really really want it for my breakist :)
Cheese cake my favorite these receipts look wonderful. I going to be giving them a try, thanks for sharing.
Looks like some aliens brains to me: this is what happens in the desserts of forgotten dreams: it all ends up as Baked Alaska.
The baked Alaska looks very interesting and yummy.
WoW! that looks really great.
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