Thursday, February 17, 2011

Homemade Pastas

Any normal person would probably want to come home from a long day of making pasta and relax. I'm clearly odd. The moment I came home, from pasta making class, I made pasta.
3 types of pasta: Lemon, Rosemary, and plain
Sure, it's not much in it's little packages there, but tonight I will put it to the test. First, let me show you what I made! As you can see above, I made 3 different bundles: Lemon, Rosemary, and a plain pasta. It all started with a simple dough of flour and eggs.
Making pasta dough
I did a lot of kneading and separated my dough into 3 equal parts.
Pasta dough
I basically just took a look in the fridge to see what we had around to flavor the dough. We had a ton of lemons! Lemon pasta with salmon... that could be good, right? Let's hope so, anyway! So, I went ahead and zested some lemon and kneaded it into one of my doughs. If you look close enough, you can see the pretty little specs of yellow!
Lemon Zest pasta
Next, we had so much fresh rosemary - we love rosemary.
I chopped it real small and added it to my second round of dough.
Rosemary pasta
Once all the rosemary was evenly incorporated to the dough and all of the rounds were kneaded, I wrapped them in layers of saran wrap, labeled them, and put them straight into the freezer. Did I mention I don't have a pasta maker? Well, I didn't anyways... I have one now! And tonight one of my bundles of dough are coming out. I've already warned Brian that it's a theme night tonight. Oh yes, blogger friends, I'm having a theme night. I can't wait to surprise Brian with what I have planned... It will all be revealed soon!


bey0ndthinking said...

That sounds wonderful! You're inspiring!mmm.. Fresh, homemade pasta!

Hiroko said...

Lemon & Rosemary pasta! Sounds good!!!
And congrats that you got a pasta machine!!!!
I am looking forward the result! :-)

dailycraft said...

bey0ndthinking - Thank you! You should try it too!

Hiroko - I just posted the lemon pasta! It turned out really good - I'm not sure I can ever go back to store bought pasta now... especially since making pasta fresh isn't that hard! It just sounds hard!

Anonymous said...

This homemade pasta looks and sounds delicious. Is cooking something that is most meaningful to you?
looks great! :)

Unknown said...

this pasta looks good and tasty must try it..


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this recipe is so easy and economical good for average budget people...

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